
10 Japanese Rock Bands Songs Recommended by Western Music Lovers



1995年生まれ、関西在住。 ロックンロールが好きすぎてイギリス、アメリカに留学。 初心者、上級者問わずロック好きの皆さんに楽しんでいただける記事を書いています。 ロッケンロー!!!!

10 Japanese Rock Bands Songs Recommended by Western Music Lovers


I'm Liam, the author of リアレコ.



This time, I'm going to introduce some cool Japanese rock bands songs chosen by Western music lovers for readers outside of Japan.



Please forgive my crappy English.


Spitz - Robinson(ロビンソン)



  • The whole nation knows them.
  • Every song they write is about love and sex.
  • A band with beautiful melodies and voices.
  • They actually like heavy metal and punk rock.



Spitz is an alternative rock band that was formed in 1987. There are probably very few Japanese people who don't know Spitz.



The band is characterized by singer Masamune Kusano's gentle, exhilarating voice.



Masamune Kusano, who writes lyrics for many of their songs, says that Cheap Trick is the band that has influenced him the most, and although it is hard to imagine from their pop tunes, he loves heavy metal and punk rock.



It seems that every song they write is about love and sex.


THE BLUE HEARTS - Linda Linda(リンダリンダ)



  • The most famous punk rock band in Japan
  • Building a unique world of Japanese rock music
  • A band that has left a legend in its 10 years of activity



THE BLUE HEARTS is the most important entity in the Japanese punk rock world.



The band was active for 10 years starting in 1985, and is still a legendary band with a cult following.



The band's core members are Hiroto Komoto on vocals and Masatoshi Majima on guitar.



They were influenced by punk rock bands such as Sex Pistols and The Clash to start their music.



HAPPY END / Kaze wo Atsumete(風をあつめて)

Kazuyoshi Saito - Zutto Sukidatta(ずっと好きだった)


  • National solo rock artist
  • He himself is a maniacal music fan.


Kazuyoshi Saito is an artist who is still active as a solo artist.



His music is rooted in Western rock.



In junior high school, under the influence of his older sister, he became devoted to hard rock and heavy metal music such as the Michael Schenker Group, Kiss, Aerosmith, Van Halen, and AC/DC.



The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Johnny Winter, Jeff Buckley, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers are also among his favorite artists. When asked about his own roots song, Saito said "I Am the Walrus" by The Beatles.



It's easy to see when you watch this promotional video.


KIRINJI - Aliens(エイリアンズ)



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1995年生まれ、関西在住。 ロックンロールが好きすぎてイギリス、アメリカに留学。 初心者、上級者問わずロック好きの皆さんに楽しんでいただける記事を書いています。 ロッケンロー!!!!


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